Are you interested but hesitate to try it yourself? Try it out with your family now and recognize the value.
Cột sống được liên kết với hệ thống dây thần kinh của cơ thể
Mang đến chương trình massage tuỳ chỉnh nhờ vào chức năng đo chiều dài cột sống của người sử dụng.
Nâng lên và trượt ra để cảm nhận nhiệt độ lên đến 65°C
“Nằm và đặt cột sống của bạn xuống một cách thoải mái”
At home. Lying down. Everyday with family
We recommend to these people
Husband who sits or works all day
Cleaning, washing dishes, wife choking with housework
Children studying, using their cell phones, bowing their heads
Parents who have been devoted to their families
EcHom Representative Q&A
Is it really not necessary to purchase after a home experience?
If you do not like it after using it for 14 days, we will collect the product without any special conditions.*Echom period : 14 Days (2 weeks)
What should I do if it breaks or get damage during the home experience period?
Natural breakthroughs are handled without cost excluded product breaks, damage or loss due to consumer's intentional negligence, so you can comfortably contact EcHom HC.
What is the product price when purchasing through EcHom?
A Master V3’s price is 79.000.000VND. The deposit and installation fee paid when applying for Echom can be converted into purchase price (under the condition that buying product within 14 days of implementing Echom).
Is there a separate penalty for not buying?
We do not charge any additional amount other than the installation fee paid at installation.
V3 Deposit: 20.000.000VND / Installation: 1.500.000VND (including delivery fee within the radius area of 5 kilometers, installation fee and customer care in 14 days).
What is the process for applying for EcHom?
According to the information you entered when applying for EcHom, it will be held within 2~3 days through the Happy call by the CS team of the HO.